Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Congratulations to the Chicago Alumni (and Bigelows) who accepted tenure-track positions this year
This was the most difficult year in the law teaching market in decades (my guess is maybe sixty or seventy new faculty were hired nationwide this year--down from over a hundred last year, and over 150 just a few years ago). Fortunately, most of the Chicago graduates and Fellows were extremely successful in securing tenure-track positions in this challenging market. They are:
Vincent Buccola '08, who will join the faculty at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated with High Honors and Order of the Coif from the Law School, where he was a member of the Law Review. He clerked for Judge Easterbrook on the 7th Circuit, and was a litigator at Bartlit Beck in Chicago for three years before becoming a Bigelow Fellow at the Law School. His scholarship has appeared in Kansas Law Review and George Mason Law Review. His areas of research and teaching interest include bankruptcy, contracts, business associations, corporate finance, and civil procedure.
Adam Chilton, who will join the faculty at the University of Chicago, where he is presently a Bigelow Fellow. He earned both his J.D. and his Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University. His scholarship has appeared or will appear in University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Yale Journal of International Law, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, and elsewhere. Hhis teaching and research interests are primarily in international law and empirical legal studies.
Roger Ford '05, who will join the faculty at the University of New Hampshire. He graduated with Honors and Order of the Coif from the Law School, where he was a member of the Law Review. He practiced patent and trademark litigation and privacy law at Covington & Burlington for five years, and also clerked for Judge Easterbrook on the 7th Circuit. He has also been a Microsoft Research Fellow at NYU, and an adjunct professor at George Mason, where he taught Federal Courts. Most recently, he was a Bigelow Fellow at the Law School. His articles appear in Cornell Law Review, George Mason Law Review, and elsewhere. His research and teaching interests include intellectual property (esp. patents and trademarks), property, information privacy, criminal and civil procedure, and antitrust.
Randall K. Johnson '12, who will join the faculty at Mississippi College School of Law. At the Law School, he held the NAACP Legal Defense Fund Earl Warren Legal Training Scholarship for two years. He then served as a Law Fellow with the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. His articles appear in Northern Illinois Law Review and Wake Forest Law Review Online. His research and teaching interests include property, evidence, real estate transactions, land use, and civil rights.
Greg Reilly, who will join the faculty at California Western School of Law in San Diego. He is presently a Bigelow Fellow at the Law School. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2006 and clerked for Judge Dyk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. He was a patent and products liability litigator with Morrison & Foerster in San Diego for five years before coming to Chicago. His articles appear in Michigan Telecommunications & Technology Law Review, University of Chicago Law Review Dialogue, and elsewhere. He has research and teaching interests in intellectual property (esp. patents), civil procedure and complex litigation, federal courts, and contracts.
Nathan Richardson '09, who will join the faculty at the University of South Carolina. He graduated with Honors from the Law School, where he was Articles Editor of the Chicago Journal of International Law. He is presently a Research Scholar at Resources for the Future in Washington, DC, where he has extensive experinece doing legal and interdisciplinary research, often in collaboration with economists. His dozen publications appear in Environmental Law, Stanford Journal of Environmental Law, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, and elsewhere. He has research and teaching interests in environmental law, property, administrative and energy law, and law and economics.
Veronica Root '08, who will join the faculty at the University of Notre Dame, where shes is presently a VAP. At the Law School, she was Managing Editor of the Chicago Journal of International Law, and also received the Mulroy Prize for Excellence in Appellate Advocacy. She clerked for Judge Stewart on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and then litigated with Gibson Dunn in Washington, D.C. for three years, before taking up a Visiting Assistant Professorship at Notre Dame Law School, where she has taught professional responsibility. Her articles appear in University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law and University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform. Herresearch and teaching interests include professional responsibility, employment law, business associations, contracts, and commercial law.
If you're curious, you can read about some of our recent placements in law teaching here, here and here, and see a more comprehensive listing here. You can also see a list of past Bigelows and where they now teach here.