Monday, July 30, 2012

Lateral Hires with Tenure Since August 2011

CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS AGAIN AS OF AUGUST 1 (hires starting after fall 2012 will appear in a new listing in the fall).


Here are faculty who have moved laterally to a tenured position since the report on this blog last August; I imagine Dan Filler will update his more comprehensive listing (including lateral moves without tenure) before too long:

Matthew Adler (constitutional law, administrative law, law & economics, law & philosophy) from the University of Pennsylvania to Duke University.

Susan Bandes (criminal procedure, federal courts) from the University of Miami back to DePaul University.

Karima Bennoune (international law) from Rutgers University at Newark to the University of California at Davis.

Anu Bradford (international trade) from the University of Chicago to Columbia University.

Charles H. “Chip” Brower II (international law) from the University of Mississippi to Wayne State University.

Tomiko Brown-Nagin (legal history) from the University of Virginia to Harvard University.

Paul Butler (criminal law, civil rights, race & the law) from George Washington University to Georgetown University.

Courtney Cahill (constitutional law, law & sexuality) from Roger Williams University to Florida State University.

Allison Christians (tax, international tax) from the University of Wisconsin at Madison to McGill University.

Robin Craig (environmental law, property) from Florida State University to the University of Utah.

Barry Cushman (legal history) from the University of Virginia to the University of Notre Dame.

Scott Dodson (civil procedure) from the College of William & Mary to the University of California, Hastings.

Mary Dudziak (legal history) from the University of Southern California to Emory University.

Nita Farahany (criminal law, law & neuroscience) from Vanderbilt University to Duke University.

Ward Farnsworth (torts, restitution) from Boston University to the University of Texas at Austin (as Dean).

Bryant Garth (legal profession, civil procedure) from Southwestern Law School to the University of California, Irvine.

James Gathii (international law) from Albany Law School to Loyola University, Chicago, where he will hold the Wing-Tat Lee Chair in International Law.

Adam Gershowitz (criminal procedure) from the University of Houston to the College of William & Mary.

Leslie Griffin (constitutional law, law & religion, legal ethics) from the University of Houston to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Deborah Hellman (constitutional law, antidiscrimination law, bioethics, law & philosophy) from the University of Maryland to the University of Virginia.

Jennifer Hendricks (family law, feminist legal theory) from the University of Tennessee to the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Jill Horwitz (health law) from the University of Michigan to the University of California, Los Angeles.

Shi-Ling Hsu (environmental law, law & economics) from the University of British Columbia to Florida State University.

Jody Kraus (contracts, commercial law, law & philosophy) from the University of Pennsylvania to Columbia University.  (He moved just last year from Virginia to Penn.)

Francine Lipman (tax) from Chapman University to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Jonathan Lipson (bankruptcy, commercial law) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison back to Temple University.

Jacqueline Lipton (intellectual property) from Case Western Reserve University to the University of Houston.

Thomas Main (civil procedure) from McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 

Calvin Massey (constitutional law) from the University of California, Hastings to the University of New Hampshire, where he will be the first Daniel Webster Distinguished Professor of Law.

Jason Mazzone (constitutional law, intellectual property, legal history) from Brooklyn Law School to the University of Illinois.

Daniel Medwed (criminal law, evidence) from the University of Utah to Northeastern University.

Robert Miller (corporate & securities law, law & economics) from Villanova University to the University of Iowa.

Edward R. Morrison (bankruptcy, law and economics, empirical legal studies) from Columbia University to the University of Chicago.

Victoria Nourse (legislation, statutory interpretation, criminal law) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison to Georgetown University.

Rafael Pardo (bankruptcy, commercial law) from the University of Washington at Seattle to Emory University.

Edward ("Ted") Parson (environmental law) from the University of Michigan to the University of California, Los Angeles.

Jeremy Paul (constitutional law, property) from the University of Connecticut to Northeastern University (as Dean).

H. Jefferson Powell (constitutional law, law & religion) from George Washington University back to Duke University.

L. Song Richardson (criminal law & procedure, law & social science) from American University to the University of Iowa.

Dorothy Roberts (race, gender & law, constitutional law, civil rights) from Northwestern University to the University of Pennsylvania.

Jim Rossi (administrative law) from Florida State University to Vanderbilt University.

Adam Samaha (constitutional law) from the University of Chicago to New York University.

Lynn Stout (corporate law) from the University of California at Los Angeles to Cornell University.

Cass Sunstein (constitutional, environmental & administrative law; behavioral law & economics) from government service back to Harvard University.

Alan Sykes (international trade law, law and economics) from Stanford University to New York University.

Andrew Taslitz (criminal law and procedure, evidence) from Howard University to American University (in 2012).

Amanda Tyler (federal courts) from George Washington University to the University of California, Berkeley.

Katharine Van Tassel (law & science, food & drug law, health law) from St. Thomas University (Florida) to the University of Akron.

Gideon Yaffe (philosophy of criminal law, philosophy of action) from the University of Southern California to Yale University.

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