Saturday, June 30, 2012

Visiting Professors at the Top Law Schools, 2012-13, 2nd Draft


As I've done before, I'm posting a list of the visiting professors (who hold university appointments elsewhere) at the top six law schools, the schools that are "top six" by almost all measures of faculty quality--which are also the schools that also typically have the most visiting professors on a regular basis. While many visiting stints are made with an eye to possible permanent appointment, not all are; some are so-called "podium" visits, which aim to fill an immediate teaching need at the school. By my calculation, for example, less than 10% of the visits last year resulted in (or are in process of resulting in) offers of permanent employment--but a somewhat higher percentage of the non-podium visits resulted in such offers. Often visitors from local schools in the area are invited for podium visit purposes--though some "locals" may also be "look-see" visitors, i.e., under consideration for appointment. NYU also has a fair number of "enrichment" and "global" visitors, well-known senior folks who are keen to spend some time in New York, but who aren't necessarily interested in, or being considered for, lateral moves. (Columbia gets some of these folks too.) From the outside, of course, it's very hard to tell all these apart, so here, without further comment, are the visiting professors for 2011-12; please e-mail me about omissions or corrections, and I will update the list at various intervals over the next couple of months and move it to the front.

Please note that not every visit, below, is for the entire academic year; indeed, my guess is at least half are not, meaning students can expect many of these faculty to *also* be teaching at their home institution. In the case of HLS, many of the visitors come in the Winter Term, i.e., just the month of January.

Please also note that this is supposed to be a list of visiting faculty who have gone through some kind of appointments process at the school at which they are visiting, whether a process for look-see visitors, "enrichment" visitors, or podium visitors. These are supposed to be faculty who are teaching at the host school and who are being paid by the host school to teach.

It's striking how much schools like Harvard and NYU appear to have cut back on visitors in recent years; Yale on the other hand, has an unusually large number relevative to recent years.


Columbia Law School

Mary Anne Case (University of Chicago)

Hanoch Dagan (Tel-Aviv University)

Olivier DeSchutter (University of Louvain)

Charles Fried (Harvard University)

Sudhir Krishnaswamy (West Bengal National University)

Franz Mayer (University of Bielefeld)

Anthea Roberts (London School of Economics)

Frederick Schauer (University of Virginia)

Wolfgang Schon (Max Planck Institute)

Barbara Spellman (University of Virginia)

Harvard Law School

Robert Anderson (University of Washington, Seattle)

Daniel Coquillette (Boston College)

Susan Crawford (Cardozo Law School)

Oren Gross (University of Minnesota)

Kristin Hickman (University of Minnesota)

Nicola Lacey (Oxford University)

Youngjae Lee (Fordham University)

Sanford Levinson (University of Texas, Austin)

Adam Levitin (Georgetown University)

Catharine MacKinnon (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

Fionna Ni Aolain (University of Minnesota)

Joust Pauwelyn (Graduate Institute, Geneva)

Intisar Rabb (New York University)

Laura Rosenbury (Washington University, St. Louis)

James Salzman (Duke University)

Jane Stapleton (University of Texas, Austin)

Michael Stein (College of William & Mary)

Julie Suk (Cardozo Law School)

Alain-Laurent Verbeke (University of Leuven)

Mikhail Xifaras (Sciences Po)

New York University School of Law

Alan Auerbach (University of California, Berkeley)

Charles Cameron (Princeton University)

Sharon Dolovich (University of California, Los Angeles)

Jody Freeman (Harvard University)

Jeanne Fromer (Fordham University)

Michael McConnell (Stanford University)

Robert L. Rabin (Stanford University)

Edward Rock (University of Pennsylvania)

Theodore Ruger (University of Pennsylvania)

Christopher Jon Sprigman (University of Virginia)

Stanford Law School

Michelle Anderson (University of California, Berkeley)

Robert Merges (University of California, Berkeley)

Burt Neuborne (New York University)

Rogelio Perez-Perdomo (Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas)

Joost Pauwelyn (Graduate Institute, Geneva)

University of Chicago Law School

Justin Driver (University of Texas, Austin)

Sai Prakash (University of Virginia)

Rebecca Tushnet (Georgetown University)

Yale Law School

Jeffrey Fagan (Columbia University)

Dieter Grimm (Humboldt University, Berlin)

Rick Hills (New York University)

Edward (Ted) Janger (Brooklyn Law School)

Amalia Kessler (Stanford University)

Justin Levitt (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)

Miguel Maduro (European University Institute)

Chiblli Mallat (University of Utah)

David Marcus (University of Arizona)

Jeffrey Meyer (Quinnipiac University)

William Sage (University of Texas, Austin)

Norman Silber (Hofstra University)

Richard Squire (Fordham University)

Stephanie Stern (Chicago-Kent College of Law)

Richard Stewart (New York University)

Patrick Weil (University of Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne)

Abraham Wickelgren (University of Texas, Austin)

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