Monday, April 26, 2010
Top Corporate & Securities Articles for 2009
Robert Thompson (Vanderbilt, moving to Georgetown) has sent me the articles chosen in this year's Corporate Practice Commentator poll. Schools with the most authors with winning articles are: Penn (T. Baker, W. Bratton, M. Wachter, J. Fisch, E. Rock), NYU (S. Choi, M. Kahan [twice]), Berkeley (Bartlett, Talley), and Georgetown (Langevoort, Thompson). Other authors on law faculties are from Fordham (Griffith), Yale (Romano), USC (Kamar), Indiana (Nagy), and Vanderbilt (Edelman).
The Top 10 Corporate and Securities Articles of 2009
The Corporate Practice Commentator is pleased to announce the results of its sixteenth annual poll to select the ten best corporate and securities articles. Teachers in corporate and securities law were asked to select the best corporate and securities articles from a list of articles published and indexed in legal journals during 2009. More than 500 articles were on this year’s list and more than 120 received votes. Because of the vagaries of publication, indexing, and mailing, some articles published in 2009 have a 2008 date, and not all articles containing a 2009 date were published and indexed in time to be included in this year’s list.
The articles, listed in alphabetical order of the initial author, are:
Baker, Tom and Sean J. Griffith. How the merits matter: Directors’ and officers’ insurance and securities settlements. 157 U. Pa. L. Rev. 755-832 (2009).
Bartlett, Robert P. III. Going private but staying public: Reexamining the effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on firms' going-private decisions. 76 U. Chi. L. Rev. 7 (2009).
Bhagat, Sanjai, Brian Bolton and Roberta Romano. The promise and peril of corporate governance indices. 108 Colum. L. Rev. 1803-1882 (2008).
Bratton, William W. and Michael L. Wachter. Shareholder primacy’s corporatist origins: Adolf Berle and The Modern Corporation, 34 J. Corp. L. 99-152 (2008).
Choi, Stephen J., Jill E. Fisch and Marcel Kahan. Director elections and the role of proxy advisors. 82 S. Cal. L. Rev. 649-702 (2009).
Kahan, Marcel and Edward Rock. How to prevent hard cases from making bad law: Bear Stearns, Delaware, and the strategic use of comity. 58 Emory L.J. 713-759 (2009).
Kamar, Ehud, Pinar Karaca-Mandic and Eric Talley. Going-private decisions and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: A cross-country analysis. 25 J.L. Econ. & Org. 107-133 (2009).
Langevoort, Donald C. The SEC, retail investors, and the institutionalization of the securities markets. 95 Va. L. Rev. 1025-1083 (2009).
Nagy, Donna M. Insider trading and the gradual demise of fiduciary principles. 94 Iowa L. Rev. 1315-1379 (2009).
Thompson, Robert B. and Paul H. Edelman. Corporate voting. 62 Vand. L. Rev. 129-175 (2009).