Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Study of Scholarly Productivity by Schools Outside the U.S. News "Top 50"

Here.  Since there are utterly meaningless fluctuations in and out of the U.S. News top 50--for familiar reasons--it would make more sense to expand the pool of schools studied a bit to reflect that.  Still, this study nicely confirms what one would suspect--e.g., San Diego and Florida State are tops--and provides some very useful perspective on the scholarly seriousness and ambition of schools that are 'demoted' by U.S. News to tiers three and four.  The strong showing of the relatively new law school at the University of Nevada is another striking, and quite reasonable, result.  So kudos to the folks at Roger Williams for compiling this data.

UPDATE:  Michael Yelnosky (Roger Williams) writes:

I found a slight error in the calculations, and the website will be modified to reflect the corrections.  Florida's score should be 7.01, which moves it from a tie with Roger Williams at #11 to #11 alone.  And Pitt's score should be 6.42, which moves it from #15 to a tie for #14.

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