Wednesday, December 3, 2008

NYU's New Grading Curve

Grade inflation, but NYU didn't go off the Yale/Harvard "no grades" cliff:

As you may know, after lengthy deliberation the faculty recently approved a new grading curve, effective immediately.  All fall 2008 classes (including early seven week classes) will be graded using this curve.  The new curve includes a number of innovations, including the introduction of an A+ grade.  We believe that the new curve will more accurately represent the achievements of our students to the outside world.

Here it is:

Mandatory First Year Curve                                                                   

A+: 0-2% (target = 1%)
A: 7-13% (target = 10%)
A-: 16-24% (target = 20%)
Maximum for A tier = 31%
B+: 22-30% (target = 26%)
Maximum grades above B = 57%
B: remainder
B-: 4-8% (target = 6%)
C/D/F: 0-5%

Advisory Upper Level  Curve, for classes with 28 or more students

A+: 0-2% (target = 1%) (mandatory cap*)                       
A: 7-13% (target = 10%)                                                
A-:16-24% (target = 20%)                                              
Maximum for A tier = 31%
B+: 22-30% (target = 26%)                                             
Maximum grades above B = 57%
B: remainder                                                                  
B-:4-11% (target 7-8%)
C/D/F: 0-5%  

* The cap on the A+ grade is mandatory for all classes, even those with fewer than 28 students.  However, at least one A+ can be awarded in every class in the law school.

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