Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The U.S. Supreme Court's Waning International Influence

Several readers called my attention to this story.  The problem, obviously, is lack of ideological diversity on our Supreme Court!  As I noted in my debate with Peter Schuck (to which I've alluded a bit lately):

[B]y global standards—say, in comparison to Britain, or Mexico, or Germany, or Canada—those Democrats who apparently constitute the majority on American law faculties are really quite conservative, and so by global standards what is astonishing about American law schools is how conservative they are....When the graduates of elite law schools go not just to New York and Chicago and Houston and L.A., but also to London and Hong Kong and Toronto and Mexico City, one might think that the real worry about our best law faculties is how far they tilt to the right by comparison to the legal and political communities around the globe which will intersect with the practice of the 21st-century lawyer. I don't really want to push that argument, though, since I don't think political demographics are relevant when assessing the intellectual viewpoints that should be represented in a serious legal education.

But maybe the same phenomenon explains the declining global influence of the U.S. Supreme Court?

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