Sunday, August 24, 2008

Visiting Professors at the Very Top Law Schools, 2008-09


As I did last year, I'm posting a list of the visiting professors (who hold university appointments elsewhere) at the top six law schools, the schools that are "top six" by almost all measures of faculty quality--which are also the schools that also typically have the most visiting professors on a regular basis.  While many visiting stints are made with an eye to possible permanent appointment, not all are; some are so-called "podium" visits, which aim to fill an immediate teaching need at the school.   By my calculation, for example, less than 25% of the visits last year resulted in (or are in process of resulting in) offers of permanent employment--but a somewhat higher percentage of the non-podium visits resulted in such offers.  Often visitors from local schools in the area are invited for podium visit purposes--though some "locals" may also be "look-see" visitors, i.e., under consideration for appointment.  NYU also has a fair number of "enrichment" and "global" visitors, well-known senior folks who are keen to spend some time in, but who aren't necessarily interested in, or being considered for, lateral moves.  (Columbia gets some of these folks too.)  From the outside, of course, it's very hard to tell all these apart, so here, without further comment, are the visiting professors for 2008-09; please e-mail me about omissions or corrections, and I will update the list at various intervals over the next couple of months and move it to the front.

UPDATE (5:30 pm July 16):  Just to be clear--since several folks have e-mailed about this--not every visit, below, is for the entire academic year; indeed, my guess is at least half are not, meaning students can expect many of these faculty to *also* be teaching at their home institution.  In the case of HLS, many of the visitors come in the Winter Term, i.e., just the month of January.

Yale Law School

Howard Abrams (Emory University)

Dapo Akande (Oxford University)

Albert H. Choi (University of Virginia)

Anne C. Dailey (University of Connecticut)

Ryan Goodman (Harvard University)

Peter Lindseth (University of Connecticut)

Frank Pasquale (Seton Hall University)

Claire Priest (Northwestern University)

Jedediah S. Purdy (Duke University)

Dan Simon (University of Southern California)

Alex Stein (Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University)

Lior Strahilevitz (University of Chicago)

Gerald Torres (University of Texas, Austin)

Patrick Weil (University of Paris I)

Harvard Law School

Philip Alston (New York University, University College London)

Akhil Amar (Yale University)

Brian Arnold (Emeritus, University of Western Ontario)

Rachel Barkow (New York University)

Lily Batchelder (New York University)

Hanina Ben-Menahem (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

Bethany Berger (University of Connecticut)

Lisa Schultz Bressman (Vanderbilt University)

Corey Brettschneider (Brown University)

Tomiko Brown-Nagin (University of Virginia)

Daniel Coquiilette (Boston College)

Lori Fisler Damrosch (Columbia University)

Grainne de Burca (Fordham University)

Walter Dellinger III (Duke University; O'Melveny & Myers)

Bala Dharan (Rice University)

Jeffrey Dunoff (Temple University)

Cynthia Estlund (New York University)

David Estlund (Brown University)

Liufang Fang (China University of Political Science & Law)

William Forbath (University of Texas, Austin)

Jacob Gersen (University of Chicago)

Dieter Grimm (Humboldt University, Berlin)

Samuel Issacharoff (New York University)

John L. Jackson, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania)

Derek Jinks (University of Texas, Austin)

Dan M. Kahan (Yale University)

Michael S. Kang (Emory University)

David Kennedy (Brown University)

Richard Lazarus (Georgetown University)

Gillian Lester (University of California, Berkeley)

John Leubsdorf (Rutgers University, Newark)

Sanford Levinson (University of Texas, Austin)

Lynn LoPucki (University of California, Los Angeles)

Elizabeth Magill (University of Virginia)

Anup Malani (University of Chicago)

John A.E. Pottow (University of Michigan)

Claire Priest (Northwestern University)

Jim Rossi (Florida State University)

Tanina Rostain (New York Law School)

Frederick Schauer (University of Virginia)

Kirk J. Stark (University of California, Los Angeles)

Michael Stein (College of William & Mary)

Eric Talley (University of California, Berkeley)

Randall Thomas (Vanderbilt University)

Daniel P. Tokaji (Ohio State University)

Aain Verbeke (University of Leuven; University of Tilburg)

Daniel R. Williams (Northeastern University)

David A. Wirth (Boston College)

Benjamin Zipursky (Fordham University)

University of Chicago Law School

Gregg Bloche (Georgetown University)

Anupam Chander (University of California, Davis)

Daniel Crane (Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University)

Jens Damann (University of Texas, Austin)

Takeshi Fujitani (Hokkaido University)

Leslie J. Green (Oxford University)

Paul Heald (University of Georgia)

Hideki Kanda (University of Tokyo)

Ariel Porat (Tel-Aviv University)

Laura Rosenbury (Washington University, St. Louis)

Madhavi Sunder (University of California, Davis)

Cass R. Sunstein (Harvard University)

Elimelech Westreich (Tel-Aviv University)

Stanford Law School

Barton Beebe (Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University)

Eric Feldman (University of Pennsylvania)

Robert Gordon (Yale University)

Elizabeth Joh (University of California, Davis)

Laura Rosenbury (Washington University, St. Louis)

Adam Samaha (University of Chicago)

Columbia Law School

Matthew Adler (University of Pennsylvania)

Robert Ahdieh (Emory University)

John Armour (Oxford University)

G.A. Cohen (Emeritus, Oxford University)

Simon Deakin (Cambridge University)

Daphne Barak Erez (Tel-Aviv University)

Franco Ferrari (Verona University)

Williiam M. Gentry (Williams College)

Risa L. Goluboff (University of Virginia)

Gillian Hadfield (University of Southern California)

Vicki C. Jackson (Georgetown University)

John Jeffries (University of Virginia)

Alon Klement (Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya in Israel)

Greg Lastowska (Rutgers University, Camden)

Robin A. Lenhardt (Fordham University)

Jacqueline Ross (University of Illinois)

Elizabeth Schneider (Brooklyn Law School)

Richard Schragger (University of Virginia)

Brian Tamanaha (St. John's University)

Sudhir Venkatesh (Columbia Sociology Dept)

Gerharhd Werle (Humboldt University, Berlin)

James J. White (University of Michigan)

Charles Yablon (Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University)

Benjamin Zipursky (Fordham University)

New York University School of Law

Albert Alschuler (Northwestern University)

Jose Alvarez (Columbia University)

John Baker (Cambridge University)

Sara Sun Beale (Duke University)

Barton Beebe (Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University)

Sujit Choudhry (University of Toronto)

Adam Cox (University of Chicago)

David Dyzenhaus (University of Toronto)

Mitchell Engler (Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University)

Richard Epstein (University of Chicago)

Mitchell Gans (Hofstra University)

Risa Goluboff (University of Virginia)

Pasquale Pasquino (CNRS, Paris)

Eric Posner (University of Chicago)

R. Anthony Reese (University of Texas, Austin)

Daniel Rubinfeld (University of California, Berkeley)

Peter Schuck (Yale University)

Christopher Serkin (Brooklyn Law School)

Howard Shelanski (University of California, Berkeley)

Geoffrey Stone (University of Chicago)

Philip J. Weiser (University of Colorado, Boulder)

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