Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Texas Law Review Adds an On-Line Component...

...as the other leading law reviews have been doing.  It is called "See Also" and the current editor is David Mader (contact).  Here is the official announcement:

The Texas Law Review is pleased to announce the launch of See Also, an online companion to our print journal. See Also is online at http://www.texaslrev.com/seealso . See Also is a forum for the further discussion of ideas introduced in the print edition of the Texas Law Review.
Our inaugural issue features the article Stealth Marketing and Editorial Integrity by Professor Ellen Goodman (Rutgers-Camden).  This article is the first in the legal literature to address the implications of covert marketing in mass media.  Professor Goodman analyzes the problems presented by stealth marketing and presents a normative theory of sponsorship disclosure laws.
Professor David Anderson (Texas), Professor R. Polk Wagner (Pennsylvania), and Professor Eric Goldman (Santa Clara) provide responses to Professor Goodman's article.  Professor Anderson questions the rationale behind applying sponsorship disclosure laws uniformly to all types of media; Professor Wagner questions the necessity of an effort to enact sponsorship disclosure laws given the rapid and recent changes in the character and nature of media markets; and Professor Goldman explores the potential adverse consequences of Professor Goodman's proposal for sponsorship disclosure laws.
Our second issue will feature the article Reconceptualizing Confrontation after Davis by Professor Tom Lininger (Oregon), which examines the impact of Davis v. Washington on the field of domestic violence law.

For each issue of the Review, See Also will feature responses from members of the academic community and practitioners, styled as op-ed pieces, in order to promote further discussion of the topics addressed in the Review.  In addition, See Also will provide a forum for our readers to offer their own thoughts and perspectives.


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