Sunday, June 25, 2006
Not Much Real News in the Dog Days of Summer...So Time for Fun with SSRN Downloads (as of June 1)
From the June 1 data:
Top 25 authors with most downloads in the last 12 months:
1. Lucian Bebchuk (Harvard; Corporate, L&E: 14,748)
2. Bernard Black (Texas; Corporate, L&E: 12,564)
3. Stephen Bainbridge (UCLA; Corporate: 9,312)
4. Cass Sunstein (Chicago; Constitutional, Public Law: 7,426)
5. Mark Lemley (Stanford; Intellectual Property: 7,317)
6. Brian Leiter (Texas; Jurisprudence: 7,108)
7. Larry Ribstein (Illinois; Corporate, L&E: 6,350)
8. Francesco Parisi (Minnesota; L&E, Comparative: 6,268)
9. John Coffee (Columbia; Corporate: 5,316)
10. Daniel Solove (George Washington; : 5,094)
11. Orin Kerr (George Washington; Criminal, Computer Law: 5,093)
12. Ronald Gilson (Columbia & Stanford; Corporate, L&E: 4,950)
13. Richard Posner (Chicago; L&E: 4,884)
14. Roberta Romano (Yale; Corporate, L&E: 4,628)
15. Randy Barnett (Georgetown; Constitutional, Contracts: 4,379)
16. Reinier Kraakman (Harvard; Corporate, L&E: 4,347)
17. Steven Shavell (Harvard; L&E: 4,158)
18. Patrick Ryan (Colorado Telecomm Program; Law & Technology, Cyberlaw: 3,780)
19. Timothy Wu (Columbia; Intellectual Property: 3,736)
20. Jesse Fried (Berkeley; Corporate, L&E: 3,621)
21. John Donohue (Yale; L&E: 3,435)
22. Brian Cheffins (Cambridge; Corporate, L&E: 3,359)
23. Klaus Hopt (Max Planck Institute; Corporate: 3,334)
24. Lynn Stout (UCLA; Corporate: 3,313)
25. Margaret Blair (Vanderbilt; Corporate, Commercial: 3,254)
Top 25 authors with at least three papers with the most downloads per paper in the last 12 months:
1. Brian Leiter (Texas; Jurisprudence: 592 downloads per paper [5 new papers])
2. David Hyman (Illinois: Health Law: 403 downloads per paper [3 new papers])
3. Roberta Romano (Yale: Corporate, L&E: 356 downloads per paper [3 new papers])
4. Orin Kerr (George Washington; Criminal, Computer: 340 downloads per paper [3 new papers]
5. Donald Braman (George Washington; Law & Culture: 308 downloads per paper [3 new papers])
6. Timothy Wu (Columbia; Intellectual Property: 287 downloads per paper [4 new papers])
7. Randy Barnett (Georgetown; Constitutional, Contracts: 258 downloads per paper [4 new papers])
8. Daniel Solove (George Washington; Cyberlaw, Privacy: 243 downloads per paper [4 new papers])
9. John Mikhail (Georgetown: Jurisprudence: 241 downloads per paper [6 new papers])
10. Bernard Black (Texas: Corporate, L&E: 237 downloads per paper [12 new papers])
11. Ronen Perry (Haifa; Rankings, Torts: 234 downloads per paper [6 new papers])
12. William Henderson (Indiana/Bloomington; Corporate, Rankings, Legal Profession: 233 downloads per paper [3 new papers])
13. Donald Clarke (George Washington; Chinese law: 203 downloads per paper [3 new papers])
14. Dan Kahan (Yale; Criminal: 200 downloads per paper [4 new papers])
15. Michael Lewyn (George Washington; Land Use, Local Government, Urban Planning: 187 downloads per paper [10 new papers])
16. Patrick Ryan (Colorado Telecomm Program; Law & Technology: 172 downloads per paper [9 new papers])
17. Stephen Bainbridge (UCLA; Corporate: 169 downloads per paper [8 new papers])
18. Larry Ribstein (Illinois; Corporate, L&E: 163 downloads per paper [10 new papers])
19. Christopher Yukins (George Washington; Government Contracts: 162 downloads per paper [5 new papers])
19. Joshua Wright (George Mason; L&E: 162 downloads per paper [5 new papers])
20. Alfred Brophy (Alabama; Legal History: 161 downloads per paper [4 new papers])
21. David Pozen (Student, Yale; Criminal: 158 downloads per paper [6 new papers])
22. Michael Klausner (Stanford; Corporate: 157 downloads per paper [5 new papers])
23. Richard Bales (Northern Kentucky; Arbitration: 156 downloads per paper [6 new papers])
24. Paul Caron (Cincinnati; Tax, Rankings: 155 downloads per paper [4 new papers])
25. Mark Lemley (Stanford; Intellectual Property: 152 downloads per paper [7 new papers])